Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tip Of The Week ~ Blending Modes

Today's tip of the week is about Blending Modes!! 

Who doesn't love adding a beautiful texture to an image to really give it that unique look? I know I do! But when you add a texture how do you adjust it? Just layer it and then lower the opacity? That's what I used to do until I discovered how amazing blending modes are!!

First, take the image that you want to add to add a little pop to. Then add a texture layer above it. 

So here is the before and after... This particular blend mode made the image look like it contained more contrast and made it look a little more grainy. I love the change! What do you think??

Try out different textures with different blend modes and make a completely different image, or give your image just a little extra pop!!

Introducing... Tip Of The Week!!

Happy Saturday Everyone!!

I was going through my handy dandy notebook (of which there are many) and noticed that I have a lot of random tips for Photoshop, shooting, business etc. so I began putting all of them into one notebook so all of my tips and tricks would be in one place.... and then it got me thinking.... Why not share what I have learned?

Starting today I will be sharing a tip or trick of the week. Feel free to add your feedback or experience as well. The more the merrier right?? I'd love to hear if you tried it out and the outcome as well.

Let the good times roll!!